1. How long does it take to set up an account? more
2. Where is ESC located? more
3. What are your hours of operation? more
4. Can I pick up products at your facility? more
5. What is the latest time I can order and get my merchandise the next day? more
6. May I use my companies Fed Ex, UPS, or other shipping account? more
7. Do you ship internationally? more
8. What payments do you accept? more
9. What is the lead time for custom orders? more
10. Can I return products that aren’t used? more
11. Do you service products from other manufacturers? more
12. Do you provide training on the products you sell? more
13. Do you rent equipment? more
1. How long does it take to set up an account?
It only takes a few days after we receive a companies financial information before an account can be open. In some extreme cases the process can be expedited when there is access to the needed financial information.
2. Where is ESC located?
ESC has been located in Durham, North Carolina for the past 15 years. We have recently moved into a new location with more square footage and an increased area for manufacturing. The new address is: Environmental Supply Co. Inc, 708 E. Club Blvd., Durham, NC, 27704-4506. Our phone number is: 919-956-9688 or Toll Free: 800-782-2575 and FAX: 919-682-0333
3. What are your hours of operation?
ESC normal hours of operation are Monday through Friday 7:30 AM to 5 PM. Often there will be staff available after 5 PM if you need to have a question answered or place an order for the next day. We are closed Saturday and Sunday.
4. Can I pick up products at your facility?
Yes. Materials may be picked up during normal business hours at our Durham location however payment for materials needs to be for the exact amount or via approved credit card. If an after hours pick up is unavoidable, ESC will make every effort to make arrangements to accommodate our clients particular needs.
5. What is the latest time I can order and get my merchandise the next day?
The shipping cut off varies from carrier to carrier however in general orders placed and processed by 3:30 PM will be shipped that same day. That having been said, if you need it, call ESC and we will do whatever we can to fulfill your request and meet your deadline if possible.
6. May I use my companies Fed Ex, UPS or other shipping account?
ESC will ship via any carrier you choose if service is available in our area.
7. Do you ship internationally?
Yes. ESC will ship internationally however international shipments require special documentation and handling. Our shipping staff is familiar with many of the international shipping requirements but additional time and costs may be associated with international shipments. In addition, ESC can not be responsible for delays associated with materials held up in customs due to country specific requirements.
8. What payments do you accept?
Environmental Supply accepts major credit cards, Mastercard, Visa, American Express, and Discover. Company checks will be accepted with verification as well as wire transfers, and cash for the exact amount of the sale. US dollars(USD) are required for international payments.
9. What is the lead time for custom orders?
ESC has a large stock of materials in-house but for larger orders or custom configurations please call. 919-956-9688 or 800-782-2575 and ask for Chris Dale or David Hendricks.
10. Can I return products that aren’t used?
Products that are delivered but not placed in service may be eligible for return if certain conditions are met. They must be in the same condition as shipped, it must be accompanied by a RMA #, and the return shipping must be prepaid by the customer. For all other warranty information please go to the “Warranty” section on our website.
11. Do you service products from other manufacturers?
Environmental Supply routinely performs calibration services on Pitots and other apparatus from other manufactures. ESC provides superior customer service and would be glad to discuss your equipment repair needs and give you professional evaluation on a case by case basis.
12. Do you provide training on the products you sell?
On-site contracted training is available for our Mercury products along with some other specific Method 5 products. Our support staff will be happy to answer any trouble shooting questions you have regarding the initial set up of your apparatus. For stack testing training and training on specific EPA methods please refer to Walt Smith Associates.
13. Do you rent equipment?
Yes. Environmental Supply has Method 5 consoles, Mercury consoles, Uni-Vos consoles, pumps, PM-10 and PM-2.5, Chillers, and probe assemblies for rent. All of our rental equipment is checked our by our qualified technicians and certified operational before the next rental. Glassware is considered a consumable item and therefore listed as available for rental. Please call if you have a specific piece of equipment that you would like to rent.