PRS-I(XX) Inconel (Alloy 600) Probe Sheath
Inconel Probe Sheaths are precision made from alloy 600 for standard applications. Each sheath includes a modular pitot tip,ORSAT line, quick connects, a stack thermocouple and a nozzle union. All probe sheaths are ordered by effective length which is one foot shorter than overall length. (click on image to enlarge)
Inconel Sheath (notched to accommodate a heating mantle)
Pitot (Type S) Modular Tip
Quick Connects
Nozzle Nut & Union
1" Inconel Alloy 600 Sheath
Type S Modular Pitot Tip with 3/8" Stainless Steel Male Quick Connects
Type K Stack Thermocouple
5/8" Monel Nozzle Union
ORSAT Line (standard) with 1/4" Stainless Steel Male Quick Connect
Probe Sheaths Effective Lengths Available from 2' to 12'
For Longer Lengths Please Call
PRS-I02 2' Effective Length to
PRS-I12 12' Effective Length
Inconel Sheaths are available with only the notch and nozzle nut.
For Long Length Probes 1.75" or 2" Oversheaths are recommended for rigidity or applications with high negative or positive pressure, or highly toxic stacks.