M5-UA Umbilical Adapter

The M5-UA Umbilical Adapter has a brass check valve built in and fits securely in the Slide Block Adapter located on the impinger cold box.  All of the Environmental Supply umbilical adapters are stainless steel construction with Type K thermocouples. (click on image to enlarge)


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Umbilical adapters, also known as shower heads or goose-necks, have a #28 socket, thermocouple, 1/2" sample line male quick connect and support arm that inserts in the impinger box slide bracket. Our (M5-UA) Umbilical Adapter comes with a one-way check valve that prevents back flushing of the impinger contents but is also available without the check valve (M5-UA-X).

Stainless Steel Tube Construction
#28 Socket
Type K Male Thermocouple
Brass Check Valve
Brass 1/2" Sample Line Male Quick Connect
Welded Slide Block Clamp & Bracket