ESC ships worldwide and will do everything within it’s power to insure your shipment arrives on time and in the condition you requested.
Under most circumstances, standard off-the-shelf products will be shipped within 24 hours, however the shipping date will be determined upon receipt of order. ESC will ship as soon as possible after receipt of an order via our preferred carriers unless otherwise requested. When requested, we will ship via any mode that you specify. Freight charges are prepaid and added to the invoice. Telephone orders are accepted for established accounts. ESC reserves the right to make partial shipments when circumstances beyond our control may delay a portion of the order.
International shipments require special handling and may be delayed at the point of entry of the country materials are being shipped to. In such cases ESC can not be responsible for delays due to customs regulations once your materials arrive in your country.
Please call to verify logistics before requesting international shipments: (919) 956-9688 or (800) 782-2575. Or email: esc@environsupply.com.